Sunday 11 February 2007

Should I buy another pair of black skinny jeans? My ZARA pair is too loose now.. How? My mom says i will cry when skinny jeas go out of fashion cause i have too many of them. It's odd tt i have like five pairs of jeans now considering i had like zero 2 months ago. heh.. I need tops though. Cheap & nice ones.

Anyway i think i shall go trim my hair tomorrow. I think it's a bit longer than it should be now. Oh i'm very happy tt i still haven't dyed my hair. Yay! I think it's nice to be the only one with natural black hair in sea of bottle blondes, brunettes & redheads. If i ever dye my hair one day i think i'll dye it green or pink. heh.. not the whole head la.. just streaks.. but tt is if i ever dye my hair.. IF.

Ok i better sleep early.. I got my driving early tomorrow morning. Oh I still love my Irfan very very very much. :)

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