Tuesday 6 February 2007

This is my niece, Natasha, trying to peel off the black nail polish from my fingernails which according to her makes me look like a monster. I think she reminds me of Pebbles from the Flinstones.

Went out with my cousins today. When to Chinatown then to Fitness First for a Body Jam session. It was quite fun actually although i think i made a fool out of myself trying to keep up with the Latin-ish dance moves. haha.. Ok maybe i should give myself more credit. I could keep up with the instructor, it's just tt i think i look weird doing the steps. I'm not exactly a dancer you know. Ah well at least i wasn't so shiok sendiri like the woman in front of me. She was even dancing in the changing room la! *rolls eyes*

ok so these are my cousins: Shahirah to my right & Ija to my left. :)

Anyway, Irfan finally got his Manhattan Portage bag which i so kindly offered to pay for first. Heh. He will finally not look like some father of one in his workclothes. hahaha.. :P

Did some shopping as well. Made this necklace above. I have a sudden obsession with skulls. Dunno why. Bought a black blazer from COL: at Far East for $10! haha.. I love discounts!! Bought a pair of sneaker ballerinas from Bata. Gold & black. Nice. Personally i think it looks better than the plain black ones at Topshop.Heh..

I know i say this everyday & it's kinda mushy but I love my Irfan very very much. :)

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